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Applied Statistics
How to detect lies with statistics
Maya Bar Hillel (Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Variable window spatial scan statistics
Joseph Glaz (Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut)
The effect of fasting during Ramadan on automobile accidents in Turkey
Mahmut Tolon (Izmir, Turkey) and Herman Chernoff* (Department of Statistics, Harvard University)
Bayesian Statistics
United Statistics: parameter confidence quantiles, duality Bayesian frequentist inference
Emanuel Parzen (Department of Statistics, Texas A&M University)
Bayesian small area prophecy of literacy under a two part random effects model
Danny Pfeffermann* (Department of Statistics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute), Benedicte Terryn, (UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal) and Fernando Moura, (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
A Bayesian Sequential Selection Problem
Distribution theory
Conditional ordering and positive dependence
Antonio Colangelo (Dipartimento di Economia, Università della Insubria), Taizhong Hu, (Department of Statistics and Finance, University of Science and Technology of China) and Moshe Shaked* (Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona)
Semiparametric families for lifetime data
Ingram Olkin* (Department of Statistics, Stanford University) and A. W. Marshall (Department of Statistics, University of British Columbia)
Distributions of stopping times for compound Poisson processes and non-linear boundaries
Shelemyahu Zacks (Department of Mathematical Sciences, Binghamton University)
Dynamic Programming and Gambling
Randomly evolving graphs and Gittins Type Index Theorem
Ernst Presman* (Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Academy of Sciences of Russia) and Isaac M. Sonin (Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
How to gamble if you must, revisited
Larry Shepp (Department of Statistics, Rutgers University)
Evolutionarily stable strategies of random games and random points in the plane
Sergiu Hart* (Center for Rationality, Department of Mathematics and Department of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Yosef Rinott (Department of Statistics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Benjamin Weiss (Department of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Can two wrongs make a right? Coin tossing games and Parrondo's Paradox
Ora Engelberg Percus (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University)
Optimal Stopping
Thomas Ferguson* (Department of Mathematics, UCLA) and Michael J. Klass (Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley)
A curious connection between branching processes and optimal stopping.
Larry Goldstein (Department of Mathematics, University of Southern California)
Some new approaches to the problem of optimal stopping
Ioannis Karatzas (Department of Mathematics, Columbia University)
Optimal stopping and strong approximation theorems
Yuri Kifer, (Department of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Some multiple stopping time problems
John Preater (Department of Mathematics, Keele University)
The elimination algorithm for the optimal stopping of Markov chain and its applications
Isaac M. Sonin (Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte)